How can children help with the housework?

How can children help with the housework?

In view of the new scenario in which we live, in 
which social isolation and quarantine is not an option but an obligation and a duty for all of us, some challenges arise from spending 24 hours a day with everyone who lives in our home.

How to get children to help with the housework will be one of the biggest challenges that parents face right now, but there is no need to despair.

Take a look at our suggestions, tips and alternatives and see that integrating the little ones into domestic tasks can actually be easier than it looks.


To integrate the little ones into domestic chores or not? The answer is: obviously yes! With the necessary adaptations, of course, but always integrating them, yes.

The challenge is to know how to make children help with domestic work. But believe me: when stimulated and motivated, they will see these tasks as something even fun and everything will become easier!

Try one or more of our six suggestions.

1 Search for the best tasks by age group

If it is true that everyone should participate in household chores, we must also remember that each age is an age and, therefore, must have adequate tasks.

There are several tables online that help you understand the most suitable for the little ones you have at home. And you will be surprised, because even a little one with just over two years old can already start to develop some actions in order to help with logistics at home!

2 Make a giant calendar where everyone can participate

Get serious about a giant document that you can call a calendar, check list or any other name you want.

The important thing is that in this support the daily, weekly and more sporadic tasks and the responsibilities allocated to each one are very clear. You can let your imagination run wild and use stickers, magnets and other graphic representations to keep everything moving.

And encourage the little ones to update that same calendar as soon as they complete the task.

3 Rewards for work? Why not?

We are not saying that the little ones should be rewarded just because they made the bed that day, a task that is inherent to them.

What we mean here is that good behavior can and should be rewarded.

Imagine that for a whole day, your puppy performed all the tasks that were due to him without having to ask or reinforce. This is a reason to congratulate you and offer a treat!

4 Stimulate them with music

Let's see something: even for us it is much more pleasant to do housework with music than without, right. So you already know how to make children help in the housework with more desire and motivation: transform these moments into an authentic party!

Turn on the music, music well stirred and fun and you will see the maximum energy to fulfill the tasks due to them.

5 Positive reinforcement always, even with less complete tasks

It is important that you keep expectations level. Of course, if your little one is five years old doing a certain task, the result will not be the same as if you did it yourself.

But that's not why you should stop praising him or doing the job for him. In time he gets there!

6 Integrate the whole family

Although it is the last tip we share, it is by no means the least important. One of the “secrets” for knowing how to make children help with the housework is to include the whole family, even the whole one!

Children live and grow by example. And if you see examples at home of elements that stay on the couch while others work, you will see it as normal. Establish schedules and routines and make sure you stick to them. If everyone helps, nothing costs!

Now you know some tips and suggestions on how to make children help with housework. And these are just a few!
