Study reveals the best professions to maintain the balance between professional and personal life, the greatest difficulty of the times.
Maintaining a balance between work and personal life in a healthy and stable way is one of the great difficulties of our day. The responsibilities are many, on both sides. The pace at which we live day-to-day life is mind-boggling. However, there are people who do this management better, since they have some of the best professions to maintain the balance between professional and personal life.
But let's look at the glass half full. There are professions that help to maintain this balance. Stay with our list adapted from the Glassdoor site survey. A list that undergoes periodic updates, but is still within the scope of the national market.
The data are based on the degree of satisfaction of the professionals surveyed (in the USA), based on their workload and quality of life, with the ratings ranging from 1 to 5, where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 5 extremely satisfied. The results allow us to conclude which are the best professions to maintain the balance between professional and personal life.
1. Business recruiters
With a rating of 4.1, the Human Resources area, especially at the corporate level, seems to gather consensus in terms of maintaining the balance between professional and personal life. An interesting fact about this profession is its strong human component.
2. UX designer
Digital designers, particularly User Experience (UX), or user experience, are also on the list with a rating of 4.1. These professionals design websites and apps and the way we use them.
3. Data scientist
We usually hear of this profession by its English name, data scientist. Another example linked to new technologies, the growing use of media and the way our data is treated. Maintains a rating of 4.0 on the list.
4. Strategy Manager
With the same classification is the strategy manager. This type of professional is part of a company with the objective of implementing strategies that meet its growth. People with high analytical and organizational characteristics. They are hired to carry out actions that help organizations to grow and it is already an executive position.
5. Designer UI
Like UX colleagues, UI (User Interface) designers work with human needs in the multimedia world. The rating for this profession is 4.0.
6. Recruitment coordinator
We turn to human resources for yet another successful example of what it means to maintain a balance between professional and personal life. The score is also 4.0.
7. Account Manager
Another administrative position of some caliber that has a rating of 4.0. It also requires a somewhat high responsibility, but on the other hand it allows the desired balance.
8. Mobile Developer
Those who develop systems aimed mainly at mobile phones also give a score of 4.0 to their profession. One more linked to the need imposed by new and high technologies.
9. Substitute teacher
In this profession, there is in fact more free time and the possibility of having other income. It has a rating of 3.9. We are again in an area with high human contact.
10. Library assistant
The same applies to library staff. The rating is also 3.9, thanks to good times and quiet environments.
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